Monday, June 18, 2012

‘The Catholic Church’s Secret Sex-Crime Files’

Vati Leaks

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Explosive allegations in secret Catholic files

Vati Leaks - Monday, March 12, 2012
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A sordid priesthood sex scandal is currently unfolding in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia as the trial of the first Roman Catholic official in the United States charged with the cover-up of child sexual abuse gets under way. Monsignor William Lynn, 60, is charged with endangering children by transferring accused sexually abusive paedophile priests to unsuspecting new parishes during the 1990s, vastly expanding the number of children who were subsequently raped. In this landmark criminal case, Lynn faces charges of conspiracy and felony child endangerment, and he is also charged with being part of a broader plot to systematically protect molester priests in the Roman Catholic archdiocese.
And then it happened …
In February, 2012, and during the selection of the jury, the ‘Philadelphia Inquirer’ revealed explosive new evidence of decades of high level cover-ups of priest child sexual abuse in the Philadelphia archdiocese. That bombshell was the discovery of a 1994 memo that referred to instructions allegedly issued by Cardinal Anthony J. Bevilacqua to shred a list of names of 35 Philadelphia-area purportedly abusive priests. It had been hidden for years in a locked archdiocesan safe and a locksmith was employed to open the safe and retrieve the document. Cardinal Bevilacqua’s instructions were reportedly effected with the support of Bishops Cullen and Cistone, who to date, like Pope Benedict XVI, have not publicly commented on the contents of the document. Philadelphia prosecutors wrote in a response filed in the court that the discovery of the memo was ‘unexpected and shocking’, and was in ‘fact the equivalent of a smoking gun for the prosecution case against Lynn’.
They can’t shred the truth
Cardinal Bevilacqua died on January 31st, 2012 aged 88, one day after the judge ruled him competent to testify in Monsignor Lynn’s trial, leaving behind this unanswered question; ‘Who ordered him to destroy the files?’ Was it Pope John Paul II, or then-Cardinal Ratzinger, who at the time (1994) was head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) that supposedly investigated child sex abuse by Catholic priests? Nobody in the Vatican had more knowledge of the ruthlessness and extent of these criminal acts than Cardinal Ratzinger, and later, in 2011, as Pope Benedict XVI, the ‘Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests’ (SNAP), took unprecedented legal action against him in the International Criminal Court in The Hague for crimes against humanity.
‘The Catholic Church’s Secret Sex-Crime Files’ (by Sabrina Rubin Erdely)
Monsignor Lynn’s trial is expected to last four months, and the team at Vatileaks will keep you informed on its progress and the potential Philadelphia implosion that will have implications right into the Papal Palace in Vatican City. Also, we shall soon be posting a stunning article written by top international investigative journalist, Sabrina Rubin Erdely and her extraordinary account of the Philadelphia Archdiocese’s secret abuse files. After months of research, Ms. Erdely graphically reveals the existence of a high-level conspiracy in the Archdiocese to cover-up decades of child sex abuse by Catholic priests and how Vatican hierarchs knowingly transferred accused priests to unsuspecting parishes where additional child victims were subsequently brutalized. Ms. Erdely’s assessment is a well-researched account of one of the most damaging scandals to hit the US Catholic Church in its history, and her article is compelling reading.
People who think that the Catholic priesthood is a pious, saintly body of people virtuously professing the word of God will be horrified with Ms. Erdely’s graphic depiction of what priests really do to children and the amount of callous sex crimes that career paedophiles commit. Watch out for this story on Vatileaks soon!!!

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