Desabhimani Report |
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Mathrubhumi 21-10-11 |
Most priests prone to call of flesh
- Sr Mary Chandy
Another nun pens 'revealing' memoir
The nun had left the convent complaining of sexual harassment.
Posted on April 4, 2012, 6:59 AM
Her autobiography titled Swasthi [Hail] and published by Kairali Books in Kannur will hit the stands soon.
Chandy wants to expose the “debauchery” she witnessed in the convents during her stint as a nun through her book.
More than a decade after stepping out of the convent at Perumpunna in Peravoor in Kerala’s Kannur district, the former nun continues to live an austere life.
She resides in a rented house-cum-orphanage called Santhisadan Charitable Society at Pulpally in Wayanad district.
The orphanage houses 17 children.
Wayanad is a tribal-dominated district that relies on agriculture and has witnessed a series of suicides by debt-ridden farmers.
Chandy has been planning to write the book ever since she left the convent but could not do so as she was caught in a fight to survive.
"I am not a writer. For me it is more important to take care of the children in my orphanage," she says.
But as a “nun” she feels that she has a social commitment to talk about the corrupt practices that happen inside the convents.
The rape attempt inside the convent has left an indelible impact on Chandy.
The sexagenarian says that nuns getting “pregnant and trying to kill the newborns are commonplace in convents”.
She claims to have saved a newborn baby when the mother, a nun, tried to kill the baby by pushing it inside the tank of a toilet.
"That boy is a student who lives the life of an orphan," she said.
She feels that the life in convents in Kerala is so miserable that it is high time that priests are allowed to marry.
“If you preach celibacy, you should practice it. Otherwise leave the priesthood and lead a normal life," she says.
Unlike Sr. Jesme, who wrote about sexual abuse in her book Amen: The Autobiography Of A Nun after she left the convent, Mary wants to continue her life as a nun.
"My life has been a struggle and it has been devoted to care of orphans," she concludes.
Source: Times of India
Nun , Autobiography , Mary Chandy , Sexual Harassment. Courtesy:
Another nun pens 'revealing' memoir
The nun had left the convent complaining of sexual harassment.
Posted on April 4, 2012, 6:59 AM
Kannur: A former nun, who quit the convent complaining of sexual harassment, is all set to release her autobiography.
"All those memories of the life in convents are burning in me like embers. I know when I write it down, it will hurt many. But someone has to speak the truth," says Mary Chandy.
The 67-year-old nun left the Daughters of Presentation of Mary in the Temple (DPM) 12 years ago.
Chandy said she walked out when the Church branded her as a "misfit” after she complained against a priest who tried to rape her.Her autobiography titled Swasthi [Hail] and published by Kairali Books in Kannur will hit the stands soon.
Chandy wants to expose the “debauchery” she witnessed in the convents during her stint as a nun through her book.
More than a decade after stepping out of the convent at Perumpunna in Peravoor in Kerala’s Kannur district, the former nun continues to live an austere life.
She resides in a rented house-cum-orphanage called Santhisadan Charitable Society at Pulpally in Wayanad district.
The orphanage houses 17 children.
Wayanad is a tribal-dominated district that relies on agriculture and has witnessed a series of suicides by debt-ridden farmers.
Chandy has been planning to write the book ever since she left the convent but could not do so as she was caught in a fight to survive.
"I am not a writer. For me it is more important to take care of the children in my orphanage," she says.
But as a “nun” she feels that she has a social commitment to talk about the corrupt practices that happen inside the convents.
The rape attempt inside the convent has left an indelible impact on Chandy.
The sexagenarian says that nuns getting “pregnant and trying to kill the newborns are commonplace in convents”.
She claims to have saved a newborn baby when the mother, a nun, tried to kill the baby by pushing it inside the tank of a toilet.
"That boy is a student who lives the life of an orphan," she said.
She feels that the life in convents in Kerala is so miserable that it is high time that priests are allowed to marry.
“If you preach celibacy, you should practice it. Otherwise leave the priesthood and lead a normal life," she says.
Unlike Sr. Jesme, who wrote about sexual abuse in her book Amen: The Autobiography Of A Nun after she left the convent, Mary wants to continue her life as a nun.
"My life has been a struggle and it has been devoted to care of orphans," she concludes.
Source: Times of India
Nun , Autobiography , Mary Chandy , Sexual Harassment. Courtesy:
Nuns treated like servants by priests: Cardinal
Ananthakrishnan G, TNN Mar 17, 2009, 04.01am IST
THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Early last year, a study by the Catholic church found that 25% of the nuns in Kerala were unhappy with life inside the four walls of a convent. More recently, a former nun dropped a bombshell revealing in a book about sexual abuse and mental harassment she suffered in the order. Now,there's further confirmation of their misery and it comes from the leader of India's archbishops.
Cardinal Varkey Vithayathil, who is president of Catholic Bishops Council of India, says the nuns are humiliated by priests and they live in fear. Courtesy: Times Of India
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Sr. Mary Chandy |
Times of India 31/03/2012 |
Most priests prone to call of flesh, says Kerala nun
Mar 31, 2012 - Jose Kurian | DC | Pulppally Wayanad
While the Catholic Church is still struggling to come out of the impact of Amen –The Autobiography Of A Nun, penned by Sr Jesme, another nun, 76-year-old Sr Mary Chandy, who had served the Presentation Convent for more than five decades, is all set to rock the state with yet another tale of bitter truth replete with incidents of sexual abuse, rape attempts and killing of new-born babies, through her autobiography, Swasthy.
In an exclusive interview to DC on Saturday, the nun said that almost all those who choose the cloister are more vulnerable to the ‘call of the body than the call of the spirit’.
Fondly called Sisteramma, the saree-clad, soft but strong willed nun was at the tiny rented house of Santhisadhan Balamandiram on the outskirts of the border town here, where she lives with 17 abandoned children whom she calls ‘children of God’.
Former ‘nun’ claims abuse rife
Says she is not surprised by officials' denial of her membership in the order.
Posted on April 11, 2012, 8:35 AM
A former nun in Kerala state has claimed that abortion and sexual harassment are rife within religious congregations in a memoir slated for release this week.
“Abortions are commonplace in convents,” wrote the author in Swasthy [Hail]: The Revelations of Sister Mary Chandy.
Sister Chandy claims to have witnessed an attempt by a priest and nun to euthanize a newborn baby, which she says she subsequently rescued and delivered to an orphanage.
The 67-year-old former nun said she left the Daughters of Presentation of Mary in the Temple (DPM) convent 12 years ago after the Church had branded her a “misfit” for filing a complaint against a priest she said had tried to rape her.
She says she now runs an orphanage in Pulpally in Kerala’s Wayanad district.
However, the convent has dismissed the accusations and said Sr Mary was never a member of the congregation.
Sr Regina John, provincial of St Mary’s Region of the DPM, said today that Sr Mary had been employed as a kitchen helper for one year, from 1971-72.
She had made repeated requests to join, and had been given a one-year observation period for candidature, but that ultimately the superiors had rejected her because she did not meet the educational requirements and she had left the convent after a year, Sr John said.
Sr Mary said the denial was not surprising.
“Surely they would disown me, since it is not good news for the congregation.”
The allegations in her memoir have generated widespread attention for the author in the local media.
“My intention is not to gain publicity or mint money but to speak out against the atrocities of priests against nuns,” she said.
The memoir claims to chronicle the “derailed” lives of priests and nuns during her tenure in the convent, though she insists that not all priests are bad.
“The problem arises due to pride and prayerlessness of nuns and priests that make them lead a worldly life.”
The sexagenarian added that convents should be “far removed from parish houses to avoid close interaction between priests and nuns.”
The former nun, who says she still follows her vows and lives an austere life, said she plans to publish additional memoirs based on notes she kept during her convent life.
Source: :
Nun , Book , Swasthy , Sexual Harassment , Abortion , Mary Chandy
Former ‘nun’ claims abuse rife
Says she is not surprised by officials' denial of her membership in the order.
Posted on April 11, 2012, 8:35 AM
A former nun in Kerala state has claimed that abortion and sexual harassment are rife within religious congregations in a memoir slated for release this week.
“Abortions are commonplace in convents,” wrote the author in Swasthy [Hail]: The Revelations of Sister Mary Chandy.
Sister Chandy claims to have witnessed an attempt by a priest and nun to euthanize a newborn baby, which she says she subsequently rescued and delivered to an orphanage.
The 67-year-old former nun said she left the Daughters of Presentation of Mary in the Temple (DPM) convent 12 years ago after the Church had branded her a “misfit” for filing a complaint against a priest she said had tried to rape her.
She says she now runs an orphanage in Pulpally in Kerala’s Wayanad district.
However, the convent has dismissed the accusations and said Sr Mary was never a member of the congregation.
Sr Regina John, provincial of St Mary’s Region of the DPM, said today that Sr Mary had been employed as a kitchen helper for one year, from 1971-72.
She had made repeated requests to join, and had been given a one-year observation period for candidature, but that ultimately the superiors had rejected her because she did not meet the educational requirements and she had left the convent after a year, Sr John said.
Sr Mary said the denial was not surprising.
“Surely they would disown me, since it is not good news for the congregation.”
The allegations in her memoir have generated widespread attention for the author in the local media.
“My intention is not to gain publicity or mint money but to speak out against the atrocities of priests against nuns,” she said.
The memoir claims to chronicle the “derailed” lives of priests and nuns during her tenure in the convent, though she insists that not all priests are bad.
“The problem arises due to pride and prayerlessness of nuns and priests that make them lead a worldly life.”
The sexagenarian added that convents should be “far removed from parish houses to avoid close interaction between priests and nuns.”
The former nun, who says she still follows her vows and lives an austere life, said she plans to publish additional memoirs based on notes she kept during her convent life.
Source: :
Nun , Book , Swasthy , Sexual Harassment , Abortion , Mary Chandy
Christian Terror and Aggression in India
Christian missionaries are dangerous cancer to Indian society. They instill hatred, violence, create divisions, indulge in subversion, terrorism in the north east, destroy native beliefs… left unchecked this cancer will destroy Indian society as it has destroyed many other ancient cultures all around the world–former-priest-writes-a-tell-all-book-on-sexual-exploitation/675649
After nun, former priest writes a tell-all book on sexual exploitation
Shaju Philip Sep 01 2010
Barely a year after a former Catholic nun wrote in her autobiography about the suppressed sexual life and draconian rules within the convents, a former Catholic priest has come out with his own experiences of homosexuality at seminaries, sexual misconduct of priests, lack of transparency in money matters and the unfair approach of superiors
In his 160-page book, Here is the heart of a Priest, K P Shibu Kalamparambil has written about life he had had to lead as member of the Catholic congregation Vincentian for past 24 years — 11 years as priest, 13 as seminarian.
The 39-year-old former priest left the Catholic order in March 2010, and flew to Doha where he joined as a teacher with an Indian school. A native of Angamaly near Kochi, Shibu has found his leave period to release and distribute the book. “I have faced stiff opposition from the Vincentian congregation and my family alike when I broached the idea of publishing my story.”
His book is an open letter about alleged sexual anarchy of priests, injustice meted out to members and mismanagement of resources at a Catholic order. “Three times I had met with road accident. As my Congregation failed to support me, I had to meet the hospital bills on all occasions.”
“While working as a teacher with the Congregation-run educational institution in Kasargode, I had to face agitations from student outfits. The Congregation did not come to my rescue. When a priest is insulted continuously…, what is the logic in the Church saying that he should suffer everything for Jesus?”
On his early days at Papal Seminary in Pune, Shibu alleges he was sexually abused by senior seminarians. “Homosexual relations were rampant in seminaries. The victims had to suffer silently. If they complain…, both the accused and the victim would be shown the door. Hence, succumbing to the urges of the seniors was the only option….”
“During pastoral work, the seminarians used to travel on cycles. While moving around on a cycle, seminarians made a point to give lift to children. They (children) would be asked to tightly embrace the riding seminarian. Such acts were done with deliberate sexual intention,” he alleges in the book. “There had been incidents of senior seminarians pretending as priests and hearing confessions. ”
He alleges several priests sexually exploited widows or nuns sexually. He also alleges, “Certain priests have no qualms to divert donations from believers for their personal purposes. Church funds should be handled by government agencies….”
Shibu himself is the publisher of his work, which has only 100 copies in the first edition. “I am planning a second edition of 10,000 copies.”
Provincial-General of Vincentian Congregation Fr Paul Puthuva said he would comment after reading the book.
Fr Paul Thelakkattu, spokesperson for the Syro-Malabar Catholic Church, said: “Unfortunately the Church is one in which people like him are also living and working…. He has simply betrayed the trust of the faithful.”
In 2009, Sister Jesmy had embarrassed the Kerala Catholic Church by writing about her sexual encounters with priests in her work Amen.
In his 160-page book, Here is the heart of a Priest, K P Shibu Kalamparambil has written about life he had had to lead as member of the Catholic congregation Vincentian for past 24 years — 11 years as priest, 13 as seminarian.
The 39-year-old former priest left the Catholic order in March 2010, and flew to Doha where he joined as a teacher with an Indian school. A native of Angamaly near Kochi, Shibu has found his leave period to release and distribute the book. “I have faced stiff opposition from the Vincentian congregation and my family alike when I broached the idea of publishing my story.”
His book is an open letter about alleged sexual anarchy of priests, injustice meted out to members and mismanagement of resources at a Catholic order. “Three times I had met with road accident. As my Congregation failed to support me, I had to meet the hospital bills on all occasions.”
“While working as a teacher with the Congregation-run educational institution in Kasargode, I had to face agitations from student outfits. The Congregation did not come to my rescue. When a priest is insulted continuously…, what is the logic in the Church saying that he should suffer everything for Jesus?”
On his early days at Papal Seminary in Pune, Shibu alleges he was sexually abused by senior seminarians. “Homosexual relations were rampant in seminaries. The victims had to suffer silently. If they complain…, both the accused and the victim would be shown the door. Hence, succumbing to the urges of the seniors was the only option….”
“During pastoral work, the seminarians used to travel on cycles. While moving around on a cycle, seminarians made a point to give lift to children. They (children) would be asked to tightly embrace the riding seminarian. Such acts were done with deliberate sexual intention,” he alleges in the book. “There had been incidents of senior seminarians pretending as priests and hearing confessions. ”
He alleges several priests sexually exploited widows or nuns sexually. He also alleges, “Certain priests have no qualms to divert donations from believers for their personal purposes. Church funds should be handled by government agencies….”
Shibu himself is the publisher of his work, which has only 100 copies in the first edition. “I am planning a second edition of 10,000 copies.”
Provincial-General of Vincentian Congregation Fr Paul Puthuva said he would comment after reading the book.
Fr Paul Thelakkattu, spokesperson for the Syro-Malabar Catholic Church, said: “Unfortunately the Church is one in which people like him are also living and working…. He has simply betrayed the trust of the faithful.”
In 2009, Sister Jesmy had embarrassed the Kerala Catholic Church by writing about her sexual encounters with priests in her work Amen.
Christian Terror and Aggression in India
Christian missionaries are dangerous cancer to Indian society. They instill hatred, violence, create divisions, indulge in subversion, terrorism in the north east, destroy native beliefs… left unchecked this cancer will destroy Indian society as it has destroyed many other ancient cultures all around the world
The so called priests form a big mafia especially in Kerala. They hush up forced sexual abuse of nuns ,even children and even murder.. Very Pathetic lot... they have the money and political power to hush up any criminal deed...... Poor sister Abhaya , Sister Jesme, Sister Mary...
ReplyDeleteHeard about dialogue by such priest that they can enjoy variety ladies, girls and boys and without having any liabilities...Pathetic.
Once used to be proud to say I was a student from one of the Christian Missionary run school from Pala, Now I feel ashamed to say so.....
DeleteThe sad part is (i) It is not one or two or three of events BUT majority are into such activities (ii) They are very powerful financially and politically to hush up any such events (iii) Really feel sad for the helpless nuns and kids who are victims of such Monsters in Gown